HONOURING OUR MOTHER Stories of The Earth with Knowledge Keeper Sherry Copenace
The earth provides everything we need: food, water, clothing, and shelter.
We are living in a time when our earth is in crisis. As we search for solutions, and healing the traditional knowledge of the original people on Turtle Island bring us great wisdom and teachings in how to care for our earth.
Join us for this special evening from the comfort of your home on Zoom!
Sherry Copenace – Niizhoosake,Saagimaakwe, Atik n’dodem (Elk Clan),Midewewin. Born and raised on thecommunity of Ojibways of Onigaming, which is located in Northwestern Ontario and on the east side of Lake of the Woods.
Sherry is firm in her ways of knowing and being Anishinaabe.
Sherry speaks her original Language-Ojibway and has a great love for the Land and Waters.
Since 2011, Sherry has led a renewal of Makoosekawin – Anishinaabe young women coming of age teachings and ceremonies. She is part of a Knowledge Keepers Circle at Nanadawegamig (FNHSSM). Sherry helps at Anishinaabe Teaching and Sacred Lodges. Sherry has her MSW degree and is associated with several institutions and organizations who continually engage her for her knowledge and lived experience.
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